

>  Data 

>  Product Introduction 

>  CFOSAT product system 

The major mission of CFOSAT (Chinese-French Oceanic Satellite) is to obtain the global sea surface wind, sea wave spectrum, and polar ice characteristics. CFOSAT could further strengthen the scientific understanding of the changing laws of marine dynamic environment, improve the accuracy and timelines of catastrophic sea conditions such as huge wave tropical storms and storm surges, and provide basic data for studying global climate change by obtaining polar ice sheet data.




L1 standard product

Scatterometer backscatter coefficient product

On the basis of L0 data, perform calibration and positioning processing. According to data such as orbit, attitude, scan angle, observation angle, etc., generate geometric positioning data of footprints and strip observation points. After noise calibration, internal calibration, and Doppler Signal processing such as Doppler frequency offset correction generates backscatter coefficient products.

Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring backscatter coefficient product

On the basis of level 0 data, calibration and positioning are performed. According to data such as orbit, attitude, scan angle, the geometric positioning data of the 6 fixed beams of the spectrometer are generated, and the backscatter coefficients of the 6 beams are generated through signal processing.

L2 standard product

Scatterometer wind field products along the track

On the basis of level 1 data, perform panel registration, backscatter coefficient measurement variance estimation, atmospheric attenuation correction, data quality check, wind vector inversion, ambiguous resolution removal, sub-satellite point and wind vector unit in the swath edge area wind direction optimization, rainfall identification and other processing to generate wind field products along the orbit.


wind speed accuracy±2m/s or 10%4~24m/s

wind direction accuracy±20°

spatial resolution25km*25km/12.5km*12.5km

Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring Wave spectrum products along the track

On the basis of level 1 data, the sea, land and ice sea identification, rainfall identification, wave spectrum inversion, etc. are processed to generate wave spectrum products along the orbit, including sub-satellite spot beam products and 2-10° beam products. Wave spectrum parameters include effective wave height, wavelength and wave direction, etc.

significant wave high accuracy 10% of significant wave high or better than 0.5m;

detectable wave length range70-500m

wave direction accuracy15°

wave height energy density spectrum accuracy15%

L3 standard product

Scatterometer global wind field products

On the basis of level 2 data, through standard grid processing, single-day ascending/descending separation, rainfall detection and other processing, the production of daily, 3-day, 7-day, monthly, seasonal and annual global gridded sea surface wind field products and thematic map are produced.

Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring Global Wave Products

On the basis of level 2 data, through projection transformation, single-day ascending/descending separation, etc., the single-satellite production of daily, 3-day, 7-day, monthly, quarterly and annual average global grid wave parameter products and thematic map are produced.

L4 Fusion Products

Multi-source integration of global wind field products

Integrate various scatterometers and radiometer products of CFOSAT, HY2, foreign satellites, and produce daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual global sea surface wind field products and thematic maps, as well as North and South pole sea surface wind fields and thematic maps

Multi-source integration of global effective wave height products


The CFOSAT wave spectrometer, HY2 and foreign satellites altimeter products are fused to produce daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual global effective wave height products and thematic maps.


National Satellite Ocean   Application Service